Friday, October 23, 2009
My New Website!
I made an official website blog! It's called The Official Chachi6789 Website and you can visit at this link:
You can do a ton of stuff there! There is of course the blog that is updated frequently so there's always something new to read. There is an About Me section for all you Chachi fans. There is an FAQ and I'll add new questions now and then, so look there before you ask me any questions. I'm working on a forum, so that will be added sometime next week. Other things you can do is send in fan art for other members to view. Or you can look at my latest artwork :3 I'll put up some videos so you can view and comment ^^ I might put some games on there too =w= Well, don't stand here! Go to the website!
P.S. I won't be on Blogger much because I have this blog ^^;
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm Sick of All This D*mn Drama
Monday, October 19, 2009
Swine Flu x.x
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I...Have...Been...BETA'D DX :RANT:
Okay, I'm done. Have a nice day c:
I Have Had Better Days x.x
And it's only MONDAY DX Geez, today was rough. To begin the horrible day, we had to make speeches in class about our book reports (which I usually don't have trouble with) I was first, with my "luck", and I went up there, a little nervous, but not too bad, and read the qoute out of my book (which was Twilight X3) and as soon as I saw the rest of my class, I froze like a block of ice. The teacher told me to continue and I started getting dizzy as I tried to read my outline for the presentation. I was so light headed: I couldn't even see the words! My head started pounding and I tripped and fell. It didn't hurt too bad but I was so nervous, I started bursting into tears and ran toward the bathroom. I washed my face and when I came back, I was still shaking but I managed to choke out the rest of my speech. I sat down when I was done, and the teacher told me to see her after class. I was like Great, I'm screwed... No, she was telling me my score: I got a 4.75 out of 5! Almost a perfect score! It was a relief but I thought that she just pitied me. She said that I did very well- I was just nervous. I don't know what it was, but I'm glad it's over! :D
... I hate gym with my entire body and soul x.x We ran 5 laps around the poles (a mile) and he made us play Dodgeball.
See, at my old school, we loved Dodgeball because we play with little foam balls. This was with REAL dodgeballs. I got hit: in the side, in the head, and in the foot, which made me trip and hit my knee. When I was picked up today, my grandmother thought I was beat up! XD
YSN and Mewmon's War has ENDED
Finally! I'm so happy. I guess my video, along with other's, worked! c: It was so stupid but I hated seeing them fight T^T It's over now though :D
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New Found Love & More
Am I a Bad Person?
Okay, InuyashaCutey showed me a new anime called "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" I didn't know what it was at first but she said it had some blood and swearing in it.
Big whoop - I've seen all the SAW movies. I think I can handle it if it's animated.
Oh, Lord, I was SO wrong! This series is incredibly gory and I wouldn't recommend it to those under 14 or ones who are faint at heart. Heck, I don't know how I can watch it XD But the truth is... I love the anime now -^^- Whenever I'm in one of my depressing or suicidal moods (I'm not emo- I have moments though) I watch it and it makes me feel better, oddly 8D Except the one scene *SPOILER ALERT* when Shion has her fingernails ripped off *shivers* It gives me the absolute creeps. Ooh, I love Rena- She's so evil >3 I loved it when she killed that b*tch Ritsuko XDDD She got PWND 83 Ah, so does this make me a bad person - liking anime people dieing? IDK XD
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ask Chachi
Friday, October 2, 2009
Fall Flings and Pep Rallies 8D
WTF?! A stick?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? All we get is a stick for our great spelling?! That's bullsh*t there DX We got lollypops too, though c:
Fall Fling
Well, I'm getting ready to go to the Fall Fling Competition ^^ Wish me luck :D I'll post if I win or not, mmk?
:EDIT: I won 2nd! Yay! 83
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hypercam2 is Being a B*tch
Sorry, I tend to cuss when I get mad ^^; Anywho, I'm trying to make a Paint Tool Sai Tutorial, but since Hypercam is being a *BEEP*, I guess I'll have to put that off for a while...
In Other News...
Did you know that hobos can't afford cable, but they can afford satellite???
-Chachi-san ^^
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
YIPEE, YEE, YAY, The Game is HERE!
O.o Did I just say "ya'll"?! Ah, whateverz. Sees ya guys l8r X3
Monday, September 28, 2009
Boys, Crushes, and Crickets! Oh My!
Scratch out "crickets" I just had to have a third thing in the title XD
Boys, yes. When I created Devin, he would resembled whoever I liked at the time. Because when I like a boy, I'm too shy to tell them. But with Devin, I could make a couple video or picture with the two, kinda expressing my love for whoever I liked at the time. First, I liked my neighbor, armydude809 (yes, but he knows that now) Then I started dating this real *BLEEP* (sorry, I cuss at times) He was such a jerk. I dated him after I liked armydude809. He was a pretty good boyfriend, until he dumped me for no reason. I was planning to break up with him because I wasn't really ready for a realtionship (this was two years ago) I was kinda mad, but I got over it and liked armydude again. To be bold, I've actually liked him for a while now. But he got a girlfriend, so yeah, I was like "Well, screw that." I didn't like anyone starting 8th grade, but when I transferred, I met someone.
My Real Life Devin
Yes, I finally met him. My real life Devin! And his name is Devin! I'm kidding, no his name is *BLEEP* Yeah, not telling you XD But he is so cute, he is sweet, and he's funny. We met eachother and he was so nice to me. I actually started liking him right there on the spot. But not like a REAL crush. Now that I started hanging out with him, everytime I see him, I feel empty inside, my hands get all clamy, and I start sweating. I have never liked someone this much before. I haven't asked him out because the others say he has a girlfriend but some say he doesn't. A ton of girls told me he liked me a lot, but now, I don't know who to believe. *breaks down and goes to a corner* I like him so much, but I don't want to tell him! We just met two weeks ago! I really don't want to ask him if he has a girlfriend- You might as well write "DESPERATE" on my forehead! Augh, I don't know what to do! And what's worse, none of my friends are talking to me, except Tweetie. If the rest of you guys are reading this, talk to me more! Please! I need advice now, and just because I transferred, that doesn't mean you guys arn't my friends anymore! I love you guys like sisters and we help eachother in need, so please, help me out with this.
Okay, now that I'm done with that, I'm guessing this blog is over. So, yeah, peace ^^
I'm Very Lucky...or am I? :RANT:
Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai
You all have probally heard of Photoshop but what about Paint Tool Sai? Well, let's compare the two:
- Costs a TON of money
- BUT can make great pictures and effects
Now, let's see what Sai offers:
- Has all the things Photoshop offers and MORE
- Is easier to use
See what I mean? I learned how to use Sai in less then two hours. I had to piddle with Photoshop for over five hours and still didn't know how to use it! (wait, did I just say piddle???) Anyway, I have put up some drawings that I did in Sai, and YT was impressed. Here are some links:
I know they're videos, but bear with me, I haven't put them up on dA yet. A lot of people have requested it, so I'm making an Easy Paint Tool Sai Tutorial video that should be up this week. We're getting Photoshop lessons in Computer Class, so I'll try to make a tutorial for it on YT too.
Parodies and More
Okay, I'm going to say this to clear things up. The Pokemon and the Keroro Parody are CANCELLED! Do you hear me?! CANCELLED! I am sick of people asking me about it! "When's the parody going to be out? Can I be in it?" NO!
Okay, my rant is over. Now for reasons.
- I don't have many ideas for scripts
- It's hard to animate it and what not (and I'm lazy)
- I have a TON of other stuff to work on (like Guns and Roses)
Those are reasons I'm not taking requests anymore. Only for like REALLY close friends, like one in real life. So yeah, NO MORE REQUESTS! Besides Guns and Roses, I had a couple of ideas for videos, like:
- Simple and Clean PV (feat. ChachixDevin) This is the first Simple and Clean PV, so if you copy me, I KILLZ YOU! I wanted to be the first one with a Lost My Music PV, but Tinachan took that chance away from me. But I'm not mad. I just don't want that to happen again.
- Melt PV (feat. Once again, ChachixDevin) This is almost done, actually 83
- Singing requests videos (ect: Sakura Kiss, Rottara Rottara, Still Doll, Lost My Music)
- An Ouran in a nutshell, staring Chachi. Okay, Chachi is pretty much in the same position as Haruhi in the first episode. She's trying to find a place to study and she meets the Host Club (with Haruhi in it) Tamaki greets her (they know she's a girl) and with Chachi's obsession (and mine) with Tamaki, she completly falls over heels for him. This isn't going to be a series, just a cute and fun video.
- Barrage Button
Wow. O.o A lot. Now you see why I have to cancel some stuff. Well, my little rant is over, so peace ^^
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Guns and Roses
Natsuki-pandalover822 (me)
Girl 1-
Girl 2-
Thug 1-
Thug 2-hatman978
Natsuki's Dad-
Natsuki's Mom-
Audition Video: 100%
Audition Video 2: Coming after Episode 1
Voice Acting- 75%
Opening: 100%
Ending: 100%
Scripts: 6
Scenes: 6% (need to work more DX)
Okay, well, if you don't know what this fanime is about, then here's the plot:
A quiet, shy girl (Natsuki) falls for a bad, gangster boy (Shion) after he saves her life. She knows she shouldn't like him, but she just can't help herself, and as the days go by, she finds herself falling in love with him.
Working with the cast is going to be great. The animation will hopefully be better then my usual work XD So, go to my channel and suscribe so you can be the first to see Episode 1!
See ya ^^
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Indian Pride!
Finishing Up Summer Vacation!
School has already started, but we meant to go to Dollywood during the summer, but we didn't have the time. SO, we're leaving tommorow morning and staying in a cabin till Labor Day! It even has a hot-tub! I love them X3 We're going to Splash Country tommorow and Dollywood the other two days. I want to ride Daredevil Falls- It's so breath-taking! I'll take pictures, don't you worry ;D
In Other News
I'm transferring schools this week, away from Sam and the others. Why? Because I have put up with the bull &$#@ those idiots give me for four years (bullies, not Sam and the others XD) The shoved me into by locker and called me names last Thursday and came home crying T^T 8th grade is a jungle! So, if you go to Powell Valley Middle School, keep an eye out for someone transferring ;D Just ask me if I've heard of the pandalover822 or chachi6789 YouTube channel, and then you'll know it's me ^^ Well, I got to go wash this paint off, so see ya ^^
EDIT:: I transferred two days ago to the Christian School, not Powell Valley XD Letme tell you this: The school is a private school , so the biggest class is only eight people and it's only one class per grade! How cool is that? I like this school WAY more then my old school, but I still miss my friends at my old school T^T
Friday, August 21, 2009
Birthday Wishlist
- Ouran Host Club Manga Volumes 1-8
- Sgt Frog Volumes 1-3
- Haruhi Suzumiya Volume 1 (possibly)
- Chibi Vampire Volume 1
- Kingdom Hearts II Volume 2
- New pair of Converse X3
- Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days fo DSi
- An I-pod Touch
- A bunch of birthday videos made for me on YT XD
- A Tamaki Bear (I'll tell you why later ;D)
In Other News XD
I know Sam, Ivy and the others have heard this a MILLION times over the week but guess what?! I GET TO MEET VIC MIGNOGNA! -squeel- X3 Okay, now that I got that out of my system, it's true. I do get to meet him. See, I've been begging my mom to go to an anime convention and she finally said yes! Its the Ichibancon 2010 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC. So, if you happen to be going there, I'll probally be cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya because I might be able to enter the dance competition! I recently learned the Hare Hare Yukai Dance (yes, the FULL one =3) and I would love to be on stage. Also, I wanted a Tamaki bear so I could get it signed by Vic himelf X3 I am making a video of meeting him too and hopefully I'll get pictures! Okay, well my 100th post will be when I post the grand birthday blog entry, so watch out for it! Peace ^^
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Usa-chan >w<
Have you ever heard of cubees? The little cube peoples you can make with paper just for fun? Well, I was browsing deviantART last night and I found the CUTEST things! They were they same thing, but made out of felt and stuffed! It was so kawaii and I wanted one so bad. But her store sold out of them T^T So, I decided to make one! One thing though: I can't sew T^T SO, I spent all night trying to find out a way to make them. And then, she happened. Her name is Usa-chan, which I think means bunny-chan in Japanese.
米国バニー I got the name from Hunny-sempei's bunny, Usa-Chan.
Hunny: ...WTF man?!
Me holding my Usa-chan: What?!
Hunny: You can't steal Usa-chan's name!
Me: Why not? It's just a name!
Hunny: But MY Usa-chan is original!
Hunny: O.o You're weird
Me: I know...
Okay, moving on! XD In other news, school is going pretty well. I just absolutly <3 Spanish I. It's the first class of the day and it's so kewl! We even got Spanish names- Mine's Marisol. People say Chachi is a spanish name but it wasn't on the list. Oh, in case you didn't know, Chachi is NOT my real name. Just a nickname =w= Okay, well, I'm almost to my 100th post, so I'll try to think of something to write about for the next blogs XD See ya, peeps ^^
- ちゃち X 米国バニー
Chachi x Usa-chan (It's friendship, God dangit, not love D:<)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It's Here
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Good News
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
New Color Vote!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Happy Birthday, Blogger and Google!
Millions of people worldwide use Blogger to publish to their blog each week
Did I also mention that my birthday was then too? Yup, August 22nd! I can't wait! I'll make a video of it ;D Can't Wait!

It's sad, really, that someone would waste their precious time just trying to hack someone. The hacker said he hacked me because I was taking the internet too seriously. I kinda agree with him. I mean, I know that I can quit when I want- I just don't know when. It's just been a great experience for me to meet hundreds of people all around the world. YouTube does that, and you guys all know how hard I have worked on my videos and getting suscribers. This hacker ruined it in a matter of minutes. I can't believe I was so careless. I just want to know that whatever happens, I can count on my friends to get me through this. Thanks you guys for helping me. And just because I have a different account, I will ALWAYS be Chachi, no matter what happens :D God Bless~
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Updates and more
Music Festival
Or whatever it's called XD It's starting tommorow and I pray that I'll meet the band. It's a shame that Candence isn't going to be there TmT Oh well... I'm staying up all night, so meet me at Mammoth or Big Surf. I'll post pictures tommorow. Wish me luck on finding the band! ;D Peace Out ^^
ZOMG I Has a Hater TmT
I'm Back!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Summer Vacation
Okay, well the official date of the beach trip is July 10th thru the 14th. We are staying at the SeaMist Resort, so go to their website and see all the fun we get to do ^^ Sorry, I'm just reallly hyped up about the trip. I'm going to get an underwater desposable camera, so prepare for some cool pictures. We might get to go to Ripley's, so I get to see the sharks! W00T! It's so cool when they swim above your heads =3 In other news, I'm going to Natural Tunnel tommorow, if it doesn't rain *crosses fingers* I just LOVE their pool, with the diving board and then we get to ride the CHAIRLIFTS!!! I prefer a chairlift ride over a rollercoaster ride XD
5 more weeks TmT/ =333
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing DX That's right, 5 more weeks till school starts. There are good things about it...and bad things:
- Spanish Class
- Get to see my friends again
- Get to eat lunch earlier
- Get to sit where we want at lunch
- Oldest kids in school X3
- New lockers
- First year with braces off (Yes, I do have braces- but not for long X3333)
Now it's time for the bad:
- Might not be in the same class as Sam, Ivy, Tiff, or Sweety TmT
- New teachers (strict!)
- Harder classes
- More homework
- Not much time for computer or video games *scream* DX
- No sleeping in late
There's more good, thank goodness (good=goodness XD) I wonder if Sam and the others are ready or not for school...
One more thing
Actully, two, counting the bold XD This is the LONGEST BLOG I have EVER (echo, echo) posted in my life in Blogger XD Hey, is that a ladybug? *brickd*
-Chachi (W00T! *brickd once again*)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Summer is Finally Summer Vacation!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Dumb XD
God Bless!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sam, If You're Reading This...
God Bless You, Sam and Ivy!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
No Longer
Monday, June 15, 2009
Famous Penguins!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I Got A DSi!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm Back!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer Party!
See ya there! X3
Peace, Love and ADVENTURE! (you'll see in the next blog ;D)
See ya guys in the next blog!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lucky Star
Ivy's B-day
Chachi: Sam, did you get the decorations?
Sam: Yeah- Here take a look at them. (shows decorations)
Chachi: O.o THIS ONE SAYS "IT'S A BOY!" (holds banner up)
Sam: But... I marked out "boy" and wrote "GIRL"
Chachi: -sigh- Sweety, have you and Daman finished the cake yet?
Sweety: Uh, yeah... delay on the cake... --;
Chachi: What do you...OMG! (looks at the kitchen covered in purple frosting)
Sweety: Daman, I thought you made an A in cooking class last summer?!
Daman: I said I "took" cooking class last summer.
Sweety: -sigh-
Chachi: Well, hopefully Sophie will have the presents before..-ding dong-
Sweety: Crap! Ivy's here! Everyone hide!
Sam: But, what about...
Chachi: We don't have enough time! Hopefully, Ivy forgot her glasses and she can't see the mess we made.
(door opens)
Ivy: Hello? Anyone here?
Everyone (besides Ivy and Sophie, since she's not there ;D): Surprise!
Ivy: -gasp- Wow, you guys...Uh (looks around) You guys...really shouldn't have.
Chachi: Well, you see... (knock-knock)
Sophie: (bursts in) Sorry guys that I'm...Oh! Hi Ivy! (hides presents, but falls over)
Ivy: OMG! A new Ice-Pod (parody of I-pod XD) and a new laptop! Aww, you guys shouldn't have! But, I'm sure glad you did!
So, in the end, Ivy got one of the most unusual, but best b-day party ever. What did they do about the food though??
Daman: I'll cook!
Everyone else: NO!
Daman: Okay...sheesh, tough crowd.
Chachi: Let's go get some pizza instead.
Everyone: Yeah!
Chachi: Except you, Sophie.
Sophie: O.O What?! WHY?!
Chachi: You haven't finished eating your dirty clothes yet!
Sophie: Uggh! x.x
THE END (or not??? ;D)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Updates and more
(Insert stamp here)
P.S. CRAP! I'm on another computer, so I can't put the stamp there >.<"
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Help Me Reach My Goal!
Help me reach my goal of 50 suscribers! Just click the yellow button on my profile. Arigato :3
Sunday, May 3, 2009
For Surfersam335
Here's one of Surfersam's favorite pokemon, so I wanted to draw it for her. Hope you like it Sam! -^^-
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I'm a Ninja!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Parody Sneak Peak!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
50th Post!
That's all! I'll let you guys know when the first episode is up! Blog ya tommorow peeps! Happy 50th post!
Parody Auditions
- You can audition for any part(s) that don't have a name next to it
- You may have more than one part if I am short on voice actors
- Writing the script takes time, so don't rush me and you will get your lines soon enough
- If you want a part that someone already got, then sorry you can't have it
- So, hurry up and audition! Make a video of you saying your lines after I send them to you
- Don't worry, there is no language for any of the characters (we have BEEPS for that!)
- Have fun!
Okay, well that's all for now. I'll post the new cast when you all audition! Blog ya later!
Sneak Peek
Well, that's all I can say for now. Blog ya later peeps!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Pokemon Parody
Awesome CP Dancer
Saturday, April 11, 2009
!golB sdrawkcaB

Friday, April 10, 2009
A Video Series?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My New Stamp!

Peace, Love, and YouTube 4-Life!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'm Famous!
Whatever you do...
Disappearing Act
Isn't that so weird??? Anyway, hope you enjoyed and comment if anything is wrong with the video. Oh, and for the legal copyright material crap, let me just say that we do not own Club Penguin or anything related to it. Well, I'll blog ya peeps tommorow! See ya!
PeAcE, lOvE, aNd DoNuTs (One donut a day, and everything is gonna be o-o-o-o-okay!)

Welcome Back! (TO ME!)
Peace, Love, and Eggs!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Pokemon Platinum
Peace, Love, and LICKILICKI! (O_o)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Fools!
Peace, Love, and Clowns!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Can't Decide?
Peace, Love, and Edward/Jacob (Robert/Taylor)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Live from CP!
Chachi: May we have a word?
Twee: Sure! Oh my gosh, YOU ARE CHACHI!
Chachi: Oh, I'm flattered. Yes, yes I am Chachi, the one and only.
Twee: Your blog is so SWEET!
Chachi: Thanks. Now, what do you think of the Awards?
Twee: I get to see all my fans-what more is there???
Chachi: Well, we'll see ya later!
Twee: Oh, I think I see Alaska! Hey, Alaska!
Looks like she's busy. Now, we will see you at the awards! Blog ya later peeps! Waddle on! :D
Peace, Love, and FLIPPERS!