Friday, October 23, 2009

My New Website!

Hey, guys, I've got some news:

I made an official website blog! It's called The Official Chachi6789 Website and you can visit at this link:

You can do a ton of stuff there! There is of course the blog that is updated frequently so there's always something new to read. There is an About Me section for all you Chachi fans. There is an FAQ and I'll add new questions now and then, so look there before you ask me any questions. I'm working on a forum, so that will be added sometime next week. Other things you can do is send in fan art for other members to view. Or you can look at my latest artwork :3 I'll put up some videos so you can view and comment ^^ I might put some games on there too =w= Well, don't stand here! Go to the website!

P.S. I won't be on Blogger much because I have this blog ^^;

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Sick of All This D*mn Drama

I'm tired of all this. I'm sick of all the crap Sam gives me. You know what, Sam? I have dealt with all the same sh*t that you give me. You treated me like crap and acted like I was no importance to you. You were my friend and then you blew it. You have bashed me and got me really p*ssed. Well, you know what? I'm f*cking tired of it. Quit texting me. Quit e-mailing me. Quit even speaking to me. I moved, so no more dealing with you at school. YOU ARE THE REASON I MOVED! It wasn't the bullies. It was YOU. Feeling pretty good about yourself now, huh? Well, I'm done. This crap is going to stop. I don't care what I have to do, but this is going to stop. I'm not going to cry about it like you did in the last fight. I'm not going to freaking whine and get other people to pity me like you did. I'm more mature than that. So, go play your little retarted games and see if I care. But this is stopping now. Go ahead and unsuscribe me and unfriend me and unwatch me here on Blogger or go cry to Ivy. I don't care. Youtube is on my side. I already told them my story and they have known me longer than you. This is stopping. Now.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Swine Flu x.x

I was tested for swine flu yesterday and was positive for H1N1 (swine flu A) Ugh, first Ivy, then Hanna, now me DX The worst part was getting checked- getting a 10inch Q-tip up your nose XD It hurts! Ugh, well pray for me and the others who are sick.