Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ivy's B-day

We find Chachi and the gang made up of Sam, Daman, Sophie, and Sweety at Chachi's igloo, preparing for Ivy's surprise birthday party.

Chachi: Sam, did you get the decorations?
Sam: Yeah- Here take a look at them. (shows decorations)
Chachi: O.o THIS ONE SAYS "IT'S A BOY!" (holds banner up)
Sam: But... I marked out "boy" and wrote "GIRL"
Chachi: -sigh- Sweety, have you and Daman finished the cake yet?
Sweety: Uh, yeah... delay on the cake... --;
Chachi: What do you...OMG! (looks at the kitchen covered in purple frosting)
Sweety: Daman, I thought you made an A in cooking class last summer?!
Daman: I said I "took" cooking class last summer.
Sweety: -sigh-
Chachi: Well, hopefully Sophie will have the presents before..-ding dong-
Sweety: Crap! Ivy's here! Everyone hide!
Sam: But, what about...
Chachi: We don't have enough time! Hopefully, Ivy forgot her glasses and she can't see the mess we made.
(door opens)
Ivy: Hello? Anyone here?
Everyone (besides Ivy and Sophie, since she's not there ;D): Surprise!
Ivy: -gasp- Wow, you guys...Uh (looks around) You guys...really shouldn't have.
Chachi: Well, you see... (knock-knock)
Sophie: (bursts in) Sorry guys that I'm...Oh! Hi Ivy! (hides presents, but falls over)
Ivy: OMG! A new Ice-Pod (parody of I-pod XD) and a new laptop! Aww, you guys shouldn't have! But, I'm sure glad you did!

So, in the end, Ivy got one of the most unusual, but best b-day party ever. What did they do about the food though??

Daman: I'll cook!
Everyone else: NO!
Daman: Okay...sheesh, tough crowd.
Chachi: Let's go get some pizza instead.
Everyone: Yeah!
Chachi: Except you, Sophie.
Sophie: O.O What?! WHY?!
Chachi: You haven't finished eating your dirty clothes yet!
Sophie: Uggh! x.x

THE END (or not??? ;D)


Surfersam335 said...

ROLF thnx for adding my story :D

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