Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Very Lucky...or am I? :RANT:

The statement above is... semi-true, let's say that. If you know me in real life, you probally know that I transferred schools a couple of weeks ago. It's great. I love it. I still miss my old friends, but my new school has so much to offer! Get this: Since Science is a seperate class from Social Studies, and we have Bible class and Homeroom, that means we have 6 classes in one day (plus Gym and Computer) BUT that means the classes are shorter! And they arn't boring :D In Science, all you do is take notes and on Fridays, we have FREE-TIME 8D For like the whole class time! English and Math are a little hard, considering me never being in advanced classes before, but I'm catching up. Social Studies is taking notes and games. The food at Lunch is great. I've made great friends. Gym is pretty much fun and games (the old school: The only thing we did was run) Sure, I don't have Spanish like at my old school, but I get it in 9th grade so yay 83 Okay this is going to get long so I hope you have enough free-time to read this. Go do what you have to do- This blog isn't going anywhere XD

Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai

You all have probally heard of Photoshop but what about Paint Tool Sai? Well, let's compare the two:
  • Costs a TON of money
  • BUT can make great pictures and effects

Now, let's see what Sai offers:


  • Is FREE
  • Has all the things Photoshop offers and MORE
  • Is easier to use

See what I mean? I learned how to use Sai in less then two hours. I had to piddle with Photoshop for over five hours and still didn't know how to use it! (wait, did I just say piddle???) Anyway, I have put up some drawings that I did in Sai, and YT was impressed. Here are some links:

I know they're videos, but bear with me, I haven't put them up on dA yet. A lot of people have requested it, so I'm making an Easy Paint Tool Sai Tutorial video that should be up this week. We're getting Photoshop lessons in Computer Class, so I'll try to make a tutorial for it on YT too.

Parodies and More

Okay, I'm going to say this to clear things up. The Pokemon and the Keroro Parody are CANCELLED! Do you hear me?! CANCELLED! I am sick of people asking me about it! "When's the parody going to be out? Can I be in it?" NO!


Okay, my rant is over. Now for reasons.

  1. I don't have many ideas for scripts
  2. It's hard to animate it and what not (and I'm lazy)
  3. I have a TON of other stuff to work on (like Guns and Roses)

Those are reasons I'm not taking requests anymore. Only for like REALLY close friends, like one in real life. So yeah, NO MORE REQUESTS! Besides Guns and Roses, I had a couple of ideas for videos, like:

  • Simple and Clean PV (feat. ChachixDevin) This is the first Simple and Clean PV, so if you copy me, I KILLZ YOU! I wanted to be the first one with a Lost My Music PV, but Tinachan took that chance away from me. But I'm not mad. I just don't want that to happen again.
  • Melt PV (feat. Once again, ChachixDevin) This is almost done, actually 83
  • Singing requests videos (ect: Sakura Kiss, Rottara Rottara, Still Doll, Lost My Music)
  • An Ouran in a nutshell, staring Chachi. Okay, Chachi is pretty much in the same position as Haruhi in the first episode. She's trying to find a place to study and she meets the Host Club (with Haruhi in it) Tamaki greets her (they know she's a girl) and with Chachi's obsession (and mine) with Tamaki, she completly falls over heels for him. This isn't going to be a series, just a cute and fun video.
  • Barrage Button

Wow. O.o A lot. Now you see why I have to cancel some stuff. Well, my little rant is over, so peace ^^


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Comment if you liked it, comment if you hated it, commented if you are just bored and have nothing better to do. Tell how to make it better, tell me how to make it worse, or tell me to get a life. I don't care!