I met some of the most famous penguins on CP and they were huge fans of my blog so they let me try out their penguins! Don't believe me? Look below!
Cool, right? Well, they also said that the band is coming back soon. How I got the passwords to the famous penguin? They emailed the passwords to me, and DO NOT ASK FOR THE EMAIL! Okay, laterz :P
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Hey, it's me Chachi AKA pandalover822. Sheesh, it's been a while. Um, well letme show you around. This is the :ABOUT ME: section and this is my profile. I make blogs frequently about YouTube, real-life, and other anime-ish stuff 83 If you want to make my day, click that little "Follow" button on my blog. Ah, W/E. See ya, desu~
How could u forget the Penguin Band!!
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