Saturday, March 14, 2009

Metro Station

to my wonder of ⓂⒺⓉⓇⓄ ⓈⓉⒶⓉⒾⓄⓃ


Peace, Love, and MASON!
-Chachi (Metro Station Lover)

Happy Pie Day!

Technically, it's called "Pi Day" but who cares? It's a math thing. You know, pi π? 3.14159? it's a math thing. Yeah, our math class, along with Sam and Sweety, had TO SING SONGS! Seriously, here's how one goes:

Pi day songs
All day long
Oh, what fun it is,
To sing a jolly pi day song
in a fun math class
like this! (Repeat)

And here's another one:

Happy Pi day to you,
Happy Pi day to you,
Happy Pi day ____,
Happy Pi day to you!

Weird, right? Hey, we didn't work though! :P Blog ya'll later, peeps!

Peace, Love, and π (pi)

Photo Shoot!

These were just a bunch a old pictures I dug up. Well, enjoy! :P
Peace, Love, and LA, LA, LA!

My new friend, Sweety!

You all remember Sam, right? From Club Penguin? Well, you all are about to witness my new friend, SWEETY152!
She's one of my best friends, beside Sam and others to come. Anyway, Sam's prom is tommorow on Big Surf, I think. She had to change the date because she was kidnapped by ROBOT PIRATES! Jk. We have been talking and, guess what?! SWEETY HAS A BLOG! You can find it here, but unfortantly, you can't find any robot pirates (took care of them this morning)
We have been having a GREAT TIME! We went out for pizza, danced a little (in my case a lot-I SHALL BEAT EXPERT IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO!) Hehehe... I know, you all are probally like: O_o Well, can't wait for the prom. Blog ya later, peeps!
Peace, Love, and ROBOT PIRATES!

Friday the 13th

Today is the dreaded Friday the 13th. (SFX: Duh, Duh, DUH!) Oooh, scary... Anyway, believe it or not, I'm typing this FROM SCHOOL! SurferSam is here too. She says hi. Anyway, we are in computer class, and today is FREE DAY! We can do what we want on the computer.
Well, I'll blog ya later, peeps!

Peace, Love, and THE MURDERER JASON!

Friday, March 13, 2009

More Club Penguin Stuff

Here's some more St. Pattys Party Pictures:
Okay, well this blog was to show you the Party! So, yeah....BYE!

St. Patricks Day

What is the true meaning of St. Patricks Day? To me, it's an excuse to pinch someone if they aren't wearing green and when they get mad, I'll say, "What? Don't blame me, blame the lepercauns!" (can't spell :P) Anyway, to you guys it might be a lucky day to wear green and stuff. And to others who have NO CLUE, it means getting drunk with beer. Don't look at me, I just found it on the internet. But Surfersam and I stayed up till 12 A.M. just to see the huge party. It's AWESOME! Here are some pics:

My Penguin is right there in the lepercaun suit (again, I can't spell). And ZOMG THERE'S A FLIPPIN RAINBOW! OMG!

Well, that's all really. I'll put up more pics later. Blog ya later, peeps! :P

Peace, Love, AND LEPERCAUNS (And bad spelling!)


Club Penguin

If you have read Surfersam's blog, then you know about us on Club Penguin. Here's a pic of Sam's and my penguins cards, so you can add us.


Yeah, it's so cool. And we're staying up tonight to see the big ST. PATRICK'S PARTY! Oh, and you may expect some pics of it on my blog. And don't forget the big prom at Surfersam's igloo. It's going to ROCK! And we'll see you at the party. BECOME A MEMBER IT'S SO WORTH IT! :P

Peace, Love, and CLUB PENGUIN!
-Chachi (^ penguin's name: Chachi67890 ^)

Surfersam's New Blog!

I have great news! Surfersam has a blog here on Blogger! It's going to be awesome! You can find it here: We are both SO excited! Now, you can read both of our blogs! :D Here's a recent headshot of her. ZOMG THEY SHOT HER IN THE HEAD?! Okay, here's the pic:

Peace, Love, and BFFL SURFERSAM!
-Chachi (Surfersam's BFFL)

About Me

Greetings, earthlings. I am Chachi and I will NOT bring you any harm... as long as you give me a cookie. Screw this. Hi, I'm Chachi. Before you ask, that is NOT my real name! It's my secret identity...(insert supicious music here) I am a very weird person, may I warn you. I'm the creative type, so expect my blogs, well, to be the UNEXPECTED! Oxymoron, right? :P My BFF is SurferSam335, so expect her to do the unexpected on my blog. She also has her own blog, so look into it OR DIE! Anyways, I hope you like my blogs and, um... I'M STILL WAITING FOR THAT COOKIE!!!

Peace, Love, and COOKIES!

Shortest Blog Ever!


Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts, otherwise known as the BEST VIDEO GAME SERIES EVER!!! Sora is just SO cute! But sometimes, he is such a dork. I mean, seriously, you need to play the game and see for yourself. Well, this was a short blog...

Peace, Love, AND SORA!
-Chachi (a.k.a. Ms. Sora)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My BFF, SurferSam

Chachi: Ladies, Gentlemen, and the little munchkins in the back. I, Chachi, am proud to present my best earthling friend, Sam!
Sam: Actully, Chachi. I'm not what you called an Ea-
Chachi: (covers up Sam's mouth) Shh! They might believe it! Just act normal!
Sam: (nods)
Chachi: Anyway, this is Sam, a NORMAL EARTH BEING! She is one of the first people I met at my new school and we clicked instantly!
Sam: Yeah, so don't believe that I'm some crazy alien in disguise because that's NOT WHAT I AM!
Chachi: O_o Ooookkkkaaayyy...
Sam: Anyway, I'm probally going to start my own blog on here with Chachi, so expect me on this blog more often!
Chachi: Don't worry. She won't stop the RANDOMNESS! It will keep on coming, believe me.
Sam: Hey, what happened to you today at school. Mr. Reddy wanted to talk to you and then both of you disappeared.
Chachi: Uh, yeah. I'll tell you later. Hey did you know that the planet Pluto doesn't have anything to do with the dog named Pluto?
Sam: ... Huh?
Chachi: Uh, nevermind. Well, we have to go and steal, I mean, borrow some pretzels.
Chachi: Well, we'll blog you all later!
Sam: So, in the meantime, go sniff a dog.
Chachi: Read a topographic map
Sam: Pay your bills
Chachi: Play a trombone
Sam: Bye!
Chachi: See ya!
Sam: Peace,
Chachi: Love,
Sam & Chachi: AND CHICKEN!


I just finished watching Dracula...(insert omnious music here) Anyway, I just think vampires are just SO fascinating! I also saw Twilight. Edward is SO hot! No wonder he *sparkles* in the sun. It makes me wonder what it's like to be a vampire... You know, how they sleep in coffins, can turn to bats, and they SUCK BLOOD! I mean, instead of walking all the way to a store to get a bottle of water, when you can just walk up to someone and suck their blood. You notice the word "blood" is RED. So, this is to express my love for the color red: BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD! Other than that, I wish there was a pair of vampires who would have taken me in as their own and train me how to be a VAMPIRE! That would be SO cool! I wish they had vampires on Mars when I was there. Oh, yeah, I finally got back from the spaceship. I took countrol of it and I...uh..."took care of the others" -snicker- and flew to all of the planets, including PLUTO! You know, that planet doesn't relate to the dog Pluto at all... Well, I got to text Sam and feed my Venus Flytrap Plant from Jupitar. Ow! It bit me! Let me get my hand out of here and I'll blog ya'll later, peeps! ^-^

Twilight, Twilight, and TWILIGHT!
-Chachi (Team CULLEN!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am now typing this from the bottom of the spaceship heading to God knows where. I was right about my teacher the other day though. He asked me to come out into the hallway and then he scurried me off into his spaceship full of little Martain people with big heads and small bodies. They were all green and speaking a weird language. They're stranger thank the creatures here. I had to sit next to one in class! Anyway, to pass the time in the spaceship, I decided to talk about something common to almost all earth beings: hair. I may not be of your kind but I do have hair! And it's SO hard to style! I mean, it's like a plant. You have to water it, give nourishment, and water it again and again and AGAIN! EVERYDAY! Well, I have to go tamper with the driving controls so I can get back home. Bye!

Peace, Love, and H2O!

Can't Sleep?

It's like, Twelve A.M. on a school night and I can't go to sleep! I was looking up facts about sleep and it actully made me tired. Read this one: The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes. The record holder reported hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses. Hey, I bet I can beat that! I'm...-yawn- getting started...I'm tired...NOT! -YAWN- I'll let you all know if I...beat the... record. -SNORE- Zzz...

Pillows, Blankets, and Zzz's

Cell Phones

One time when I got my first cell phone, I asked this guy for his cell number so I could call him and I winked at him- I read that if you wink at someone, it hypnotizes them into anything. And it WORKED! His number was 123-4567. I can still call him today and and voicebox keeps saying everytime, "We're sorry you were dumb enough to fall for the 'fake number' trick and we wish you would stop calling this number." Aww, he was so sweet that he left a message just for me! Anyway, cell phones are awesome. When I came from who-knows-where to Earth, cell phones amazed me. They can go on the Internet, manage all your phone numbers, and TEXT PEOPLE! You can never talk to me without me texting someone. It's addicting, I know! And don't even get me started on ringtones! Oh, well. Hey! I got a text message! It's from the dude who gave me his phone number! Look what it says:

Dear Choco,
Quit calling me! The number WAS A JOKE! Okay?! SO QUIT!

Aww, what a cute nickname! And he probally told me to stop calling him because he got a new cell phone yesterday. And he misspelled fake, not joke. I wonder what kind of phone he has. I'll text him back now. I'll talk to you guys tommorow. I'm going to text him and "hit the sack" like you Earthlings say. Earth language is so strange...

Peace, Love, and PHONE BILLS!


First thing, ignore the title. I AM CRAZY! A nutshell in a bag of peanuts. Whenever I'm trying to make a conversation, it's like this:

Me: Hi!
Random Person: Hi.
Me: How are you?
Random Person: Good, you?
Me: Ya, great!

Me: Do you know what's for lunch today?
Random Person: Uh, we arn't at school
My Head: GOD, I AM SO STUPID! OH, WE'RE IN A PARK, DUH! Wait, how did I get here??? Oh, well. I NEED TO THINK!

Random Person: Uh, I'm leaving now.
Me: Wait! No!

See what I mean? I AM CRAZY! He he he! Hey, have you ever tried on one of those jackets when you can't move your arms when they think your crazy?! It's weird at first, but then its strangely comfortable... Then they get you into a car and drive you to a building with a padded room they say is, "made just for you and your kind". They are SO nice! It's all roomy and stuff. Oh, and there is a rubber duck you get to share your feelings with! You all who are reading this remind me of the duck... Ah, good times...Oh, God. I'M GOING CRAZY! I'm going to go take my medication now. Hey, why am I typing a kangaroo??? I'm dizzy... BYE! (falls on floor)

Peace, Love, and VIKINGS!

Hard decisions

The world that we live in is filled with many questions, like this for example:

You are at a resteraunt; You have stuffed yourself silly and only have room for ONE dessert. Not TWO, not FIVE, and definetly NOT TEN! ONE! You are faced with a choice, life or death, happiness or depression, and it can change the world and life as we know it: Strawberry shortcake or Chocolate Fudge Pie. Which one?

A. Strawberry Shortcake!
B. Chocolate Fudge Pie!
D. Rather have a salad; on a diet

Okay, if you chose D. -YOU ARE CRAZY! You are officially BANNED from this delicious question! If you chose E. - Leave the building now. You have NO sense of humor and you DON'T DESERVE TO READ THIS! But, are still right now... GET OUT OF HERE!
For the people who are STILL reading this blog, if you chose C. you have the right to not decide, but no one knows if your stomach will agree to having both of them... bathroom is down the left hall, second door to the right. If I had to choose, it would be B. but feel free to disagree. To tell the truth, I was just hungry while doing my math homework. This just proves that there are some strawberry lovers and some chocolate lovers.

Chocolate, Strawberry, and VANILLA!


Okay, I'm back. I posted the first blog, like, twenty minutes ago. And NOW I'm doing homework. Here's a random thought: I wish I lived on Mars. I mean, think about it. Earthlings do homework. Martians DO NOT DO HOMEWORK! Their teachers must be awesome. Wait, how do we know if I'M NOT A MARTIAN?! Heck, I probally don't even know! I was found on the side of the road in a mini spaceship eating a taco! O_o Ooookkkaaayyy... Anyway, I have to get back to homework that was assigned by an alien in disguise who is really a Martian tyring to take me to their home planet! Bye!
Peace, Love, and MARTIANS!

1st Blog

Okay, this is my very first blog, so don't throw rotten food at me...yet! On my blogs, expect VERY random things. Sometimes I'll tell you all about my day, sometimes I won't... It all depends on my mood. If you get offended in a way, God knows why, then I was probally FLIPPN' MAD that day, and if the blog says stuff like, "The world is like endless stabbing." DO NOT THINK I'M EMO! I get really depressed sometimes and that's why I need a blog to express it, I dunno how I will, but, hey it's free entertainment, am I right? But you can almost ALWAYS expect RANDOM! Okay, my hand like REALLY hurts now, so I'm going to end the blog here. Hope you enjoyed and more will come! See ya, peeps!

Peace, Love, & BUBBLEGUM!