Have you ever heard of cubees? The little cube peoples you can make with paper just for fun? Well, I was browsing deviantART last night and I found the CUTEST things! They were they same thing, but made out of felt and stuffed! It was so kawaii and I wanted one so bad. But her store sold out of them T^T So, I decided to make one! One thing though: I can't sew T^T SO, I spent all night trying to find out a way to make them. And then, she happened. Her name is Usa-chan, which I think means bunny-chan in Japanese.
米国バニー I got the name from Hunny-sempei's bunny, Usa-Chan.
Hunny: ...WTF man?!
Me holding my Usa-chan: What?!
Hunny: You can't steal Usa-chan's name!
Me: Why not? It's just a name!
Hunny: But MY Usa-chan is original!
Hunny: O.o You're weird
Me: I know...
Okay, moving on! XD In other news, school is going pretty well. I just absolutly <3 Spanish I. It's the first class of the day and it's so kewl! We even got Spanish names- Mine's Marisol. People say Chachi is a spanish name but it wasn't on the list. Oh, in case you didn't know, Chachi is NOT my real name. Just a nickname =w= Okay, well, I'm almost to my 100th post, so I'll try to think of something to write about for the next blogs XD See ya, peeps ^^
- ちゃち X 米国バニー
Chachi x Usa-chan (It's friendship, God dangit, not love D:<)
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