!eyb ,yakO !sdrawkcab eb t'now golb txen eht ,yrrow t'noD .retal ay golb ll'I dna kil lla uoy epoH D: !SRAE YNNUB KNIP fo riap erar a teg dna sgge lla dniF .won niugneP bulC no si tnuh ggE eht dna retsaE tsomla s'tI .golb siht daer ot retupmoc eht ot ti tup dna rorrim a teg tsuJ !yllaborp ,won sdrow modnar si siht knih syug uoy fo flaH ?looc os ti t'nsI !sdrawkcab depyt si golb sihT !syug ,yeH
confusing blog
gnisufnoc golb
You lost me after the first word.... lol and thnx for the totally awesome comment about Alaska! :)
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