Friday, March 20, 2009

Live from CP!

Here we are live from CLUB PENGUIN! Can I get a "woot woot"? We are just minutes away from the penguin play awards and let me tell you guys, WE ARE READY TO ROCK! OMIGOSH, here comes Twee from Fairy Fables! Let's get a closer look:

Chachi: May we have a word?
Twee: Sure! Oh my gosh, YOU ARE CHACHI!
Chachi: Oh, I'm flattered. Yes, yes I am Chachi, the one and only.
Twee: Your blog is so SWEET!
Chachi: Thanks. Now, what do you think of the Awards?
Twee: I get to see all my fans-what more is there???
Chachi: Well, we'll see ya later!
Twee: Oh, I think I see Alaska! Hey, Alaska!

Looks like she's busy. Now, we will see you at the awards! Blog ya later peeps! Waddle on! :D

Peace, Love, and FLIPPERS!

Penguin Play Awards

The very first Annual Penguin Play Awards are coming TOMMOROW! I can hardly wait! SQUEE! Anyway, this is a member-only event which lasts from March 20th to April 9th and you'll be able to do your thing on the red carpet in your all-fabulous outfit and vote for your favorite play in five different catagories: Best Play, Best Music, Best Costume, Best Set, and Best Special Effects.
The final five nominees are Fairy Fables, Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl, The Penguins that Time Forgot, Quest for the Golden Puffle, and Ruby and the Ruby. I am SO excited and I am already voting. My choices of winners are:
Best Effects: Squidzoid vs. SG vs. GG
Best Set: Quest for the Golden Puffle
Best Costume: Twee from Fairy Fables
Best Music: The Penguins that Time Forgot
Best Play: Ruby and the Ruby
Feel free to disagree, but those are my opinions. In other news, the Better Igloos catalog comes out tommorow also, so you'll be able to change your igloo for the Awards. Well, that's pretty much all, besides Surfersam and I are staying up ALL NIGHT to see the Awards and catalog, so meet us there! Okay, well, blog ya later peeps!
Peace, Love, and HAPPINESS! (wow, that was gay...)

Monday, March 16, 2009

High Score on Dancing

Surfersam thinks she can dance... Well, wait till you see MY score, baby!

What did I tell you?! It took me about 2 hours of practice to do this. The song was on "Epic Win!" and IT WAS ON EXPERT! Who shall DARE challenge CRAZY LEGS CHACHI??? Cool nickname, right? But I'm taking challenges for ANY level, and ANY SONG! Just comment the date, CP time, and server where you want to meet me at and, just hope that you win (that's really all you can do!) MWA-HA-HA-HA! Okay, well, I'm going to bed. Blog ya tommorow, peeps!

Peace, Love, and FRENCH FRIES!


Small... then BIG!

I made an observation... When your penguin plays with ALL their puffles, they will transport you to HQ to do a special misson. After you complete the mission, they give you a certificate and a bottle. Go to your igloo, open up your inventory, go to the bottle and select it. Look below to see the transformation!

Cool, right? Anyway, I'll blog ya later peeps before I go to bed!
Peace, Love, and PUFFLES!

My New Pet!

I was walking down town and I saw the CUTEST FACE IN THE WINDOW! It was a cute brown puppy in the window! But when I screamed because it was so cute, people saw what I was excited about and rushed to the window. I swear, I had to JUMP over people to get to the counter to get the puppy first. I MADE IT! Now, I have my own little Sora Puppy laying right next to me while I'm typing this. He said, "Hi!" O_o OMG, HE TALKED! He is the BEST DOG EVER! Another reason to love Kingdom Hearts! I'm going to feed Sora and play with him. Blog ya later peeps!

Peace, Love, and PUPPIES!
-Chachi (Proud owner of Sora :3)

I Met Cadence!

I met Cadence and I wanted to show you the card!

See? It was so cool! I waited hours to see her back in January, and she came! We danced and she called us her "biggest fans"! It was AWESOME! Now, I have ALL THE CP BACKGROUNDS! I'll show you the other beckgrounds I have in my next blogs. Blog ya later, peeps! Peace, Love, and CADENCE! -Chachi

Organization XII

Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts II? It's SO fun! Anyway, there's a group called "Organization XII" I would LOVE if I was a member. I would be number fourteen. And my element would be fire. It would be so cool if I could be like Axel, just snapping my fingers and then WHOOSH! I burn Vexen's butt! WHOO! Ahh, that would be awesome... Anyway, I think Larxene is SUCH A BRAT! I mean, she gut-kicked Sora (HE SHALL BE AVENGED!)
and back-slapped Namine. I mean, gosh! She is mean and she deserved to be whipped by a fourteen year old! God, I'm going to be mauled by so many Larxene fans... I think all of the members are cool, except Marluxia, Xemnas, Larxeus, Vexen, Larxene, and Xaldin. The hardest one I think is Luxord, but he is SO COOL AND BRITISH! The easiest I think is Axel and Demyx. I only like Xigbar because HE LOOKS LIKE A PIRATE! Argh! Hehehe. Anyway, Roxas and Zexion are SO EMO! Roxas is a cute little emo, but Zexion is a tall, silent boring emo. Saix is kinda hard, but it only took me two tries to beat him. Axel is the one with the coolest hair, I think we can all agree, and I think we can all agree that Larxene's hair looks like a grasshopper/Shadow living on her head! Xion is the only girl I like in the group, although Marluxia, I think should've been a girl. Wow, this is probally the longest blog lately... o_O Okay, well, I'm going to play Kingdom Hearts II so I can see Axel and the others again. Blog ya later, peeps!
Peace, Love, and BLACK COATS!


You know when we text, unless you have a full keyboard, it's hard to do a long text to someone without them thinking you suddenly died by not replying their text. It happens to me all the time. Well, here's a list of some texting shortcuts to help ya'll out. You may know some of them, you may not.

1dr wonder
2g2bt too good to be true
2mi too much info
411 info
4col for cyring out loud
ILY i love u
^5 high five
4eae forever and ever
6y sexy
AAM as a matter of fact
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned
AFAIK as far as I know
AKA also known as
ASAP as soon as possible
ATB all the best

Wow, it's all RAINBOW like! Anyway, hope this helps and I got these on Google. Or make up your own, because do you really think I or anyone else cares? BYL8RPEPS (blog ya'll later peeps!)

PLAWATEVAPY (Peace, Love, and Whatever pleases ya!)


I was just on Club Penguin when, out of the blue, THIS HAPPENED!!!

Random illustration done by yours truly (the red writing!) I am still wondering what the heck ACP stands for...? If you know, call 1800-1234-5678 or comment. Anyway, I think the "Flaming Cheese" thingy was funny. I'm guessing that this was an all out stupid war or a reenactment of the Spanish-American War. Weird, right? Hope you liked the picture and blog ya later, home skillet biscuits!

Peace, Love, and NACHOS!


Under the weather

I've been lazy lately... expect that from me more often... Anyway, I have been feeling SO sick! Or, what you earthlings say, "under the weather" You don't mean this do you???
Sucky drawing, I know. Anyway, I have had, according to the "doctor", I have a "cold". What the heck is a cold?! I mean, I've been burning up- so HOW IS IT A COLD?! No offense to anyone, well unless you're a doctor, YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
That's the reason I haven't posted that much lately... I might go take a visit to Saturn later. Hmm... I'll send you guys pictures later! Blog ya later, peeps!
Peace, Love, and SHOTS! -_-' (Oww!)